Issue #02 : Beam me up, Techie! | CHAPTERS


When hospitalised children become superheroes

What if a child’s hospital stay could be turned into one long superhero adventure? If not only the illness, but also the powers of evil could be vanquished in the end? A new tablet game for young patients will soon make this possible.

The Slum Challenge –
More Than Just a Game

In the computer game Slum Challenge, Europeans can immerse themselves in life in a Philippine slum from a first-person shooter and wander through real film sequences.

Kingii – the wristband that saves you from drowning

Water sport enthusiasts take note: The age of bulky, annoying life jackets is over. A California development team has created a wristband that immediately pulls you back to the surface if you get in trouble in the water.

Printing out your DNA and cancer-fighting viruses

Biohacking, DNA robots and 3D printed viruses – unbelievable things have become possible in biotech. They could soon provide a cure for cancer.

Moss Graffiti: Let it green!

Did you know that you could make graffitis out of moss?

Suba: A Photo-Sharing Innovation Takes Off

From Ghana to Europe and the US in only a few months: A new mobile app from Ghana is changing the way we share event photos.

How nanotechnology saved a contaminated lake in Peru

Shortly before its irrevocable, complete collapse, the Cascajo wetlands were rescued by Marino Morikawa, a young Peruvian-Japanese scientist who spent his childhood fishing in its waters. He developed a nanotechnology that will soon be used to restore other waters as well – among them the famous Lake Titicaca.

Do you believe everything you read?

The infotainment app Newspeak invites players to critically assess media language by asking them to identify which story is real.

Drones Go Civilian

Drones have an image problem: Very few have positive associations with the flying objects. Most people immediately think of surveillance and drone strikes with deadly consequences. Used responsibly though, drones are uniquely suited for civil applications from locating landmines in Bosnia to mapping historical sites in Peru.

Dreams rewired -
Every age thinks it’s the modern age

The outstanding film “Dreams Rewired” takes viewers on a journey way back in time to the electric media boom of the late 19th century. At the same time, the directors provide a foretaste of technological development and the need for each of us to act in order to secure an open future.

Why Science needs Advertising

Why is Tech in the public opinion cool & sexy and Science not?

SMS for Health

An SMS service is fighting diabetes and cancer in Rwanda, and might also help prevent disease in the US and Europe.

A new technology reconnects amputees to the world of sensation

Scientists have developed a system of electrodes and algorithms that has successfully enabled people to ‘feel’ through artificial hands.

How a cute robot will help us conquer our fear of robots

RoboyJunior, a robot not only financed through crowdfunding, but also with a look the community helped define, tours classrooms to show young people how amazing robotics can be.

Championing peace

Sometimes, doing nothing can be the most powerful weapon of all. Sometimes, just being there forces the powers that be to change. And sometimes, a non-violent protest can even bring an entire political system to its knees.


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